Board Member Training

Okay, you’ve been elected to your HOA’s Board of Directors. Now what do you do?

If you’ve already served on committees or attended previous board meetings, you may already have a good understanding of your duties. You may or may not be familiar with the variety of documents you will be asked to review and understand. And you may have been given a large binder full of documents or be directed to your association’s website to review the documents.

ACM provides a periodic Board Member Training program for new board members. At these programs we can answer your questions about the documents and show you exactly how they “fit together”. For example, your association has various governing documents, rules and regulations, a reserve study, financial reports and an annual budget. Most of these documents relate to each other in one form or another. A successful board member will know where to find answers to questions and will understand the importance of so many documents.

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Alliance Community Management